Category: Fun

Love and Relationship Compatibility and QuizzesLove and Relationship Compatibility and Quizzes

More than ever, people are seeing the connection between love and relationship compatibility and quizzes. Learning the most intimate parts of your partners life is vital to determining whether or not the two of you are good together. It takes a lot more than physical attraction and good sex to keep a relationship together. The two of you really need to have compatibility on all levels – not just in bed.

Couples who understand love and relationship compatibility and quizzes use these short tests to learn more about themselves and each other. The result is a more secure and successful relationship once they determine and agree about what each of them wants from each other, from their relationship, and from life. Disagreeing on something doesn’t mean the end of the world – or even the end of your relationship. It simply means finding a compromise together as a couple. And doing that is much easier when you truly understand who your partner is and how they feel. But first, you have to know what the issues are. This is where love and relationship compatibility and quizzes comes in.

If you wait until you are in the middle of a crisis to learn that the two of you have very different opinions about something, then it is going to be difficult to overcome those situations. But if you learn through love and relationship compatibility and quizzes where the two of you have conflicting points of view, then you can be prepared and make rational decisions ahead of time, instead of making a mistake in the heat of an argument.

Both of you should know very specific things about one another. You should both be aware of how the other feels about having or adopting children. You should know what your goals are financially and for your relationship. You should know how you both feel about each others families. You should know how each other grew up, what values and lessons you were taught as a child. You should know how they feel about marriage and divorce. All of these things are invaluable when it comes to having a successful relationship.

Using love and relationship compatibility and quizzed to get to know your partner better will help you learn everything you need to know about your partner. Once you can highlight your strong points as a couple, it will be easy to know what to fall back on during difficult times as well as what areas need work.

Would you like to find out more on the importance of questions and knowing your partner before making a commitment?

Do you just want a huge list of questions that may determine your happiness?

Are you in a relationship and want to find out more about your partner?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, click on the squidoo link!!!

Which Jobs Are Best For the Female Brain During Her Natural Life and Relationship Cycles?Which Jobs Are Best For the Female Brain During Her Natural Life and Relationship Cycles?

It has often been said that male and female members of the human species think quite differently. Those of us who are males would agree with that when it comes to males, and females – men are quite different in their thinking from women. Thus, we get books like “Men Are from Mars and Women Are from Venus,” to give us a little comic relief in human relationships, and try to put things back into perspective. Nevertheless, it is been said by at least one famous ancient philosopher that:

Society does best when each individual does what they are best at, and is alleviated from those mundane tasks they don’t do well.” [Plato].

So with this known, which jobs might be best suited for the female brain after her childbearing years? And which types of jobs might be best for the female brain during periods of transition between single life, dating life, married life, and motherhood? Obviously these are such radical changes that they will affect the way the brain works, thinks, and the emotional component. Not long ago, I was talking with a psychologist about this and so I asked these questions;

Have you identified which tasks, career paths, jobs, etc., that the woman brain in various stages of life, makes them a natural to excel at? It seems that based on what you are saying it DOES matter, and would give them the edge. For instance, a single woman might make a much better “home stager” or “interior decorator” or someone who might create a revolutionary breakthrough in her area of science, business, etc. Have you studied empirical data that would confirm this theory, or touch on this?

It turns out that even though they were a specialist in the female brain during the various Relationship Cycles, and had even written a couple of books on the topic, given speeches, and written numerous articles, they hadn’t really considered the application of such knowledge in the work force. Now then, I would submit to you that someone who has been a mother for 10 to 15 years raising a family and children into adulthood might be a most excellent human resource director.

Indeed, I would also submit to you that a woman in her prime dating periods of life might be a most excellent sales person, marketing executive, or even branding expert. Perhaps this is something that you have considered, and if so you probably have your own opinion about this topic, and might even be to add more to it. There hasn’t been is much research on this topic as I would expect there to be, although there are quite a few well-known papers surrounding the subject. Think on it.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you’ve enjoyed today’s discussion and topic. http://www.World Think Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

The Change for a Better Marriage and Relationship Begins With YouThe Change for a Better Marriage and Relationship Begins With You

Mike got married to his first wife at about age 25, had three children and walked out of the marriage few years later. He got married to another woman, had two children and also left after few years. He got married to the third wife, had children and also left the marriage after few years. Presently Mike is in his fifties, single with no contact with any of the wife or children. Now he realizes, while narrating his story, that he is the problem and not the women. How true!

You are the common reason in most relationships, whether casual, official, family or marital. Thus the change for a better relationship begins with you. We all have natural instincts to fight or flee in any danger or crises. The fight or flee responses come in different ways and may have positive or negative effect on you as an individual and on your relationship in general. In order to get the right result you need to know the right step to take in any challenge or crises. For example, fleeing from your job because of a conflict with a colleague will make you jobless and send you back into the labor market, but fighting “positively” to resolve the conflict will keep you in that job and make you a better person ( as a result of what you learn in the course of resolving that conflict). Likewise fleeing from your marriage because of challenges will lead to separation or divorce which is not the best for you, your spouse or your children. On the other hand staying to fight in a physically abusive marriage may cost your life.

Fight Positively

Fleeing means, giving up on yourself, your spouse, your marriage/relationship or on the situation. Fighting “positively” means, taking a critical look at how to resolve the conflict. Our focus is not about fleeing from your marriage and relationship, but fighting positively to save your marriage. Most times we fight, but negatively and this make matters worse. Negative fight focus on what you are not doing right, what the other person is not doing right or all the wrong things in the situation – all these creates more tension and conflict. Fighting positively means creating the desired change in your marriage or relationship challenges.

Cultivate Good Habits

One of the best ways to create the desired change in your marriage and relationship is for the change to start with you. Do a personal assessment to find your areas of weaknesses (such as; anger, impatience, hatred for self and others, low self-esteem, bitterness etc.) What you know about yourself, what others (your spouse, friends and family) complaint about you is pointer to what your weaknesses are. This does not mean being hard or judgmental on yourself, not at all. We all have weaknesses, but we can work on our area of weakness to be a better person. This means cultivating good habits or characters and destroying bad ones. It also means destroying negative emotions like fear, anger, bitterness, resentment, depression, low self-esteem and others.

Negative or positive habits happens through conscious constant practice. Our goal for a better, conflict free relationship will be the motivating factor for dropping off bad habits and negative emotions and also for building up good ones. Habits are formed over a period of about three months of constant practice. Keep at it and you will be a better you.

Change Your Perception

Staying or fleeing from your marriage and relationship depend mainly on your perception about yourself, the other person and your situation. The mind is the battle field in the affairs of life, that is, your winning or losing starts from the mind. If you think that you will win, you will. If you think that you cannot, you cannot. If you think the situation is hopeless, it is. If you think there is a way out, there is. So, how do you see yourself and that life challenge that you are going through at the moment.

I see challenges as opportunities to learn, be a better person, move forward in life and help others to walk through similar situation victoriously. To stay and overcome that challenge; you have to see God’s divine ability in you to succeed beyond your shortcomings, you have to see beyond how bad the situation looks and other negative feedback about you or the situation. You have all it takes to go through life, your marriage or any relationship successfully. You are not a failure, you have all you need to succeed, just look in and bring out the treasure in you. Do not live in self-condemnation, self-pity, low self-esteem and other self-destructive tendencies – that makes life miserable.

Another tool for a successful marriage or relationship is your perception of your spouse. Do not see your spouse or the other person as the main problem, it takes two to tango. Identify ways in which you are contributing to the crises (such as through uncontrolled anger, impatience, selfishness) and seek personal solution by making necessary adjustments. Do not focus on your spouse’s faults or shortcomings; rather look for positive ways of responding or reacting to his/her shortcoming.

Look out for something to appreciate in your spouse – the more you dwell on this the less you will focus on his/her weakness. No matter how bad it looks, there is something good about your spouse, if you have not seen any; you need to take a deeper look to find it. We all have strong and weak points; the problem is that we tend to focus more on the negative than positive side. In fact it was one or more of your spouse’s good personality that attracted you to him or her first, but focusing on the bad characters over time has cover up your view of the good side. Now is the time to shift your focus from the bad to the good. The more of your spouse’s strong characters you see, the less obvious his or her weaknesses becomes.

Have a large heart to accommodate flaws and forgive. This means that you will not expect too much and be disappointed because the other person has fallen short of your expectation. By having a large heart you will be able to accept the fact that no one is perfect, I am not and you are not.

Another tool for success is your perception of the situation:

Never compare your situation to others because you are unique, your spouse is unique and so is your situation. Though the problem or challenge is not unique because someone, somewhere has gone through similar situation and overcome, and someone is going through the similar situation at the same time with you.

Do not see your situation as hopeless; you need hope alive to overcome. If people have gone through similar or worst situation and come out successful, why not you?.

Seek help in the right places. Yes! We sometimes seek help in the wrong places.

The journey to a better marriage and relationships begins with you – your mindset, your perception and your ability to cultivate positive habits and emotions such as love, acceptance, forgiveness, enthusiasm, faith, and wish and so on. And your ability to avoid or destroy negative emotions of fear, jealousy, hatred, revenge, greed, bitterness, anger and the like.

Don’t Let Anything Stand in the Way of Your Happiness When it Comes to Love and RelationshipsDon’t Let Anything Stand in the Way of Your Happiness When it Comes to Love and Relationships

I was watching one of my old favourite movies the other night simply because it just happened to be on. It’s called Keeping the Faith and if you have not seen it, then I recommend it next time you are stuck for something to watch. It’s a romantic comedy about a Priest and a Rabbi who are best friends – a good all rounder to amuse both genders.

Anyway, to cut a long story short (and hopefully this won’t ruin it for you) the Rabbi wanted to date a girl who was not Jewish and ends up breaking up with her because he thinks his congregation, family and friends will not approve.

It reminded me of a few people I myself have not dated because I did not think that my friends and family would look upon it favourably. Guys who probably would have treated me like gold no doubt, but now I will never know.

I wonder how many people out there are unhappy and single because they let society and their loved ones make them feel like they can only be with someone they approve of. My guess is there are probably quite a few! I sincerely hope you are not one of them, and if you are then you have nothing but my sincerest sympathies. It’s easy for me to say that you should just follow your heart and forget about what other people think, but I understand that certain circumstances are more difficult than most of us can even begin to imagine.

When it comes to religious differences, things can be tricky and I am not qualified to give you proper advice here. All I can say is that you have to make the choices that you can ultimately live with. You will need to decide whether your religion or your love life come first. However if you are in love with someone who may be a different race to you or a different size, but you are not with them because you fear what society may think…well then you may never find the happiness you seek.

Go for what YOU want and follow your heart! If your family and friends cannot accept it then that is their problem. Remember one of my favourite little sayings…”Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”

Before I say good bye though let me tell you a very quick true story about a good friend of mine…

I used to work as a Recruitment Consultant and my colleague had this rather large account to deal with which required her to phone the client often. Every time she was on the phone to this particular client, her eyes would light up and she would seem to be at her happiest. I used to joke around with her and tease her about liking him, but she told me he was too ugly for her (shocking I know, but this is how she felt…or how she thought others might feel). I told her she was being silly and that she should give it a go because they got on so well over the phone and in person.

She eventually realised that this guy obviously made her happy and proceeded to date him without telling anyone, including me (again, clearly worried about what people would think). When she eventually came out into the open about their relationship (which I suspected anyways) she realised that people were in fact thrilled for her. Not quite the judgemental crisis situation she imagined.

Their wedding is at the end of May in Italy. I look forward to it and I like to think I had a little help in getting them there.

Learn from her story what you can and never let anyone dictate who you should or should not be with.